25% OFF all NT Experiences!
Book now and travel until the 7th of April 2025! Discount applied automatically!
Open Hours: 0900hrs - 1700hrs
Roadtrain experience is unique, as it is only in the NT, exciting, as you get to ride in a roadtrain, fun, as you can drive the roadtrain under controlled conditions, educational, as you will have an experienced roadtrain operator as your guide, you can ask as many questions as you like and learn about these large trucks that run up and down our highway.
67 Export Drive East Arm NT 0822,
These Terms and Conditions are in regard to all services available and offered by Road Train Experience NT, also referred to as “The Company” or “we”. Clients are referred to as such, or as “The Payee” or “Participants”. “Operators” and “Admin” or “Administration” refer to employees of the company. “Experience” and “Event” refer to the product paid for by the client, provided by the company.
1.Participation Requirements
a.The licence of the Client must be equivalent to a Northern Territory “C” class licence and cannot be on their “L” or “P” plates.
b.The Age requirements are as follows:
i.Clients must be 8 years or older to participate in the ride portion of the experience.
ii.Clients must be 18 years or older to participate in the drive portion of the experience.
c.All participants must NOT be under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
d.Participants must not suffer any injury or disabilities that impede their abilities to enter, or operate the vehicle, or follow instructions. (This does not include deafness or vision impairment.)
e.Information required from the company must be filled out in full, prior to the experience, by each individual client. This includes name, date of birth, contact details, emergency contact details, and their driver’s licence.
i.All information shared by clients with the company is protected by the Privacy Act and will be retained for a period of six months physically before being destroyed, and 48 months digitally.
2.Termination of Experience
a. We reserve the right to cancel or postpone an experience under the following circumstances:
i.Sickness/Unavailability of the Vehicles due to maintenance such as registration renewal, vehicle breakdown, vehicle availability, etc.
ii.Unsuitable weather conditions creating doubt in the mind of the administration or operators regarding keeping the experience safe for clients.
iii.Unsuitable displays of behaviour from the clients including but not limited to; threatening the operator or administration staff, unsafe conduct around vehicles, refusal to listen to instruction given by operators and administration, causing physical harm to admin, operators, or clients, etc.
3.Experience Duration
a.The duration of the experience will be determined by the admin and operator on the day of the experience.
b.It is requested by the company that clients arrive fifteen minutes prior to the experience to ensure that all paperwork and payment are finalized before the experience is begun.
a.We retain the right to change the price of the experience on the day of the event prior to payment at discretion for reasons including but not limited to increases in fuel prices, etc.
b.Experience Cancellation by the Client:
i.If the client chooses to cancel the experience post-payment, then 10% of the original fee will not be refunded to cover administrative costs.
ii.If the client chooses to cancel the experience during the event, then 20% of the original fee will not be refunded to cover vehicle maintenance, administrative costs, and operation costs.
5.Media Clauses
a. Video and Photography of the experience and client/s may be taken prior to, during, or after the event. We retain the right to use this media as promotional material online, in print, on television or in presentations etc. If the client does not want their likeness, name, or image used for such purposes, they are to let the administration team know prior to the event.
b. All information found online, in print, on television, or during presentations, etc. is correct at the time of creation. The company does not claim fault for incorrect or outdated information that may be received by the client, as information is updated as frequently as possible by the administration.
6.Liability Clauses:
a. It is not the fault of the company, administration, or operator if the client receives injury or illness due to the experience if an accident occurs.
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