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Open Hours: Daily at high tide. Check online as they vary each day


This unique and increasingly popular attraction gives you an introduction to several of the marine species living off the Darwin coast.

At high tide hundreds of fish come into the shallows looking for a free feed - and they certainly get it at Aquascene!

It is a ritual that began in the late 1950's when a local resident threw scraps of food to a few mullet. Somehow word got around in the fish populace and now milkfish, bream, catfish and many other species join the mullet in the skirmish for a meal.

At Doctors Gully, right in the heart of Darwin and within walking distance of most city hotels is a unique attraction which has been featured in countless television programs and magazine articles world wide and voted "most popular attraction" in tourism surveys. AQUASCENE is where hundreds of fish come to shore at high tide to be fed by hand.

Milkfish, mullet, catfish, bream and barramundi can be seen close enough to touch as they compete with each other for food. Many other species including rays, cod, mangrove jack and diamond fish may also be seen in the shallows if you watch carefully.

Opening Times:
Aquascene operates twelve months of the year and is open every day that the tides and weather permit (except Christmas Day).

Opening times are totally dictated by tidal movements and change from day to day. It is therefore most important that any potential visitor check this information before going to see the fish feeding.

Opening times are advertised in local publications - also available from accomodation houses, caravan parks and tourist information offices. Alternatively, you can telephone (08) 8981 7837 or click on the monthly times on this page.

Please click below for Aquascene times for this year:
Feeding Times

Adult Rate is $15.00pp
Child Rate is $10.00pp
Family Rate is $43.00
Seniors Rate is $10.00

Map & Directions

28 Doctors Gully Rd, Darwin, NT Australia 0800,


28 Doctors Gully Road DARWIN Northern Territory, Australia 0800

About Us:
Aquascene was registered as a business name in August 1981 by the owners of the property from which the fish feeding is conducted, operating as a partnership until 1988 when a company was formed. The business is now owned by Doctors Gully Investments Pty Ltd (trading as Aquascene).

In the late 1950's, the previous owner had started feeding bread to a few mullet which had come in with the tide and as they returned day after day and the fish numbers grew, the feeding became a regular hobby.

The current owners purchased the property in 1979 to develop as a seaside residence and maintained the feeding as a hobby for the next two years. Regular feeding led to increased species and numbers of fish and word of this unique activity was also spreading amongst the human population. By 1981 the demand for better viewing facilities, information on feeding times and permanent supplies of food created the need to formalise the feeding activities.

While the property is still primarily a private residence, it is opened up to the public each day for the feeding.

A small kiosk operates on site with cold drinks, ice creams and an exclusive range of colourful T-shirts, postcards, spoons etc.



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