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Book now and travel until the 7th of April 2025! Discount applied automatically!
Open Hours: 9am to 8pm, 7 days
HOLOGRAM ZOO located at Gateway Extra, is a family entertainment center just like a normal zoo except all the animals are hologram projections made out of laser light. It is a great place for people of all ages. There are different shows including Dinosaur Show, Africa Experience, Australia Experience, Asia Experience. In addition, there are a restaurant, Holosports and Fully Promoted, a branded apparel shop.
enancy B1-Gateway Extra Shopping Centre, 1 Roystonea Ave Yarrawonga NT,
Gateway Shopping Centre, next to Petbarn
Cancellations apply before 24 hours
Hologram Zoo Darwin runs different shows such as Africa Experience, Asia Experience, Australia Experience, Dinosaur Experience transporting you to wild and wonderful places around the world.
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