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Book now and travel until the 7th of April 2025! Discount applied automatically!
Open Hours: 08:30am to 5pm Monday to Friday & 9:30am to 4pm Saturday & Sunday
As the peak tourism body in the Red Centre, our primary role is to:
- increase awareness of member’s tourism products
- respond to the needs of the tourism industry in Central Australia
- work closely with Tourism NT on marketing the region as the ultimate outback holiday destination
- manage the Alice Springs Visitor Information Centre which provides consumers with booking capabilities, and essential visitor information to make their stay a memorable, enjoyable and safe experience.
Our vision is based on engaging our industry, strategic partners in government and allied industry organisations by:
- providing information on the region and selling member’s products from our visitor information centre and website
- promoting the dispersal of visitors across the region
- providing industry leadership and representing our members and the tourism industry on tourism related issues
- communicating openly with our members on matters affecting tourism
- working closely with Tourism NT, Regional Tourism Associations, local councils and other tourism organisations.
Corner of Todd Street Mall and Parsons Street,, Alice Springs 0870
Find us conveniently located in the Alice Springs Visitor Information Centre on the corner of Todd Street Mall & Parsons Street, in the centre of town.
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